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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.


U5 Soccer Jamboree - One with One

The Schoolyard (also known as U5 or Jamboree) Fall Program is for boys and girls who will be 4 as of next December 31st. The U5 Program runs for six weeks starting 2 weeks after the other divisions (see calendar page). Players and their parent participate in U5 Activity Sessions on Saturdays. The U5 Program is coed. There are no weekday training sessions.

Players receive a uniform consisting of a numbered jersey, shorts and socks. Players must wear shin guards and shoes. Soccer cleats are recommended.

The U5 Activity Session is organized Jamboree style (think lunch recess at school); an even number of teams of 4 or 5 players are formed based on the number of players participating each week. The players on these teams participate in the Saturday U5 Activity Session "One with One"; one player with one parent.

Each team is assigned one half of a U5 Game Field for each U5 Activity Session. Teams are reformed weekly and are identified by colored scrimmage vests worn over their uniforms during the 3 or 4 versus 3 or 4 game portion of the U5 Activity Session which is played against the team assigned the other half of the U5 game Field.

U5 Activity Session Schedule

Sessions should last one hour and fifteen minutes including organizing time and breaks.

  • 10 minutes – group warm-up and activities
  • 5 minutes – water break
  • 20 minutes – weekly team training activities and games
  • 10 minutes – team organizing and water break, assigning players to teams, assigning field locations
  • 20 minutes – 3 v 3 game (played in two halves of 10 minutes each with a short break at the quarter to make substitutions and get a quick drink) 3 players from each weekly team compete against 3 players from another weekly team for each of the four quarters with 1 or 2 players from each team resting during one or two quarters each game.
  • 5 minutes – half time
  • 5 minutes –to make changes between quarters

During the group warm up, U5 Program Coordinators under the direction of the U5 Master Coach will demonstrate to the player and parent two or three team training activity games played with a soccer ball. The team training activity games are the weekly curriculum for the 20 minute team training activities of the U5 Activity Session. The training activities games are played One with One; one player with one parent. The purpose of the training activity games is for the enjoyment of the players. The consequence of the training activity games is that soccer skills are introduced through the behavior patterning motivated by player enjoyment.

4-year olds should not be pressured to participate at the start of their first U5 Activity Session. The U5 Jamboree structure relieves players and their parents from all pressure to participate for the benefit of other team members. Reluctant players should be encouraged to dress, attend, and observe until the attraction of the enjoyment of their peers play activity with their parents motivates them to participate. It is only this very first player decision to participate for enjoyment, repeated continuously, that can provide the basis to sustain future player participation and development for children at all ages. Enjoyment is the most foundational reason any of us play any game.

This foundation of AYSO Coaching methodology continues for all ages at a gradually increasing level of sophistication and player independence by introducing age appropriate content to children as their physical, mental, emotional, and social development provide for their success as individuals and as a team.

The U5 Program introduces parents to the concept that the game of soccer can be taught to their children through play and that with some basic training and experience all parents are capable of creating and managing training and competitive environments where their child and child's team can thrive in the game motivated by their own enjoyment.
AYSO Coaching methodology based on player enjoyment and our AYSO Philosophies of Open Registration, Everyone Plays, and Positive Coaching provide a player development model that consistently recognizes that development can only occur when players participate. This model stands in direct contrast to others that consider the development or anticipated development of the player as a condition of participation, in large part, to sustain additional program financial needs that are not directly related to the player's interests.

Carpinteria AYSO is committed to the AYSO Coaching methodology because it is in the best interests of the player and provides the broadest opportunity for the children in our community to have an accessible and dependable soccer program for all ages.
Inclined parents find strong satisfaction in being incrementally prepared to manage the training and competitive environment of their child's team starting as a Carpinteria AYSO U6 Coach. Carpinteria AYSO U8 Coaches develop an understanding that competition during match play belongs entirely to the player and the team. Carpinteria AYSO U8 Coaches discover that the proper and effective role of a successful coach is positive encouragement, relevant instruction, and observation of individual and team decision making (tactics) and individual use and application of skills (technique) to determine the content priorities and delivery for subsequent team training sessions introduced in our Carpinteria AYSO U8 Program.

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AYSO Region 683

Carpinteria, California 93013

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 805-450-3307
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