Hello Carpinteria AYSO families -
We’ve got another exciting fall season of soccer starting up for over 500 Carpinteria AYSO kids!
A few details on what to expect over the next few weeks…
Our coaches have received their rosters and will be reaching out to player families by August 23rd to introduce themselves.
Your coaches/teams need your help! Many still need assistant coaches. Every team needs a field lining/goals parent and team parent (to help with team communications).
U10/U12/U14/U16 teams need referees.
Volunteer instructions including how to find live training (for coaches and referees) in Santa Barbara or Ventura are posted at www.carpsoccer.org under the "Important Documents" section on the right side.
Additional upcoming volunteer opportunities: Email [email protected] for more information
Initial Field Lining (no experience needed): Aug 24th 9am, Aug 31 9am
AYSO Treasurer: Want to help our region, but are more interested in behind-the-scenes administrative work? A couple hours/week helping keep our books organized and cutting checks helps keep our region humming.
8/22 - Coaches meeting & Livescan fingerprinting
8/27 - Games start for U16
9/7 - Games start for U6/U8/U10/U12/U14
9/21 - Schoolyard starts
U6 has no weekday practices and plays at El Carro on Saturday mornings.
U8 has 1 weekday practice at El Carro and plays at El Carro on Saturday mornings.
U10 has 2 weekday practices at El Carro and plays at El Carro Saturday mornings
U12/U14 has 2 weekday practices at Viola or Monte Vista with weekend (mostly Saturday) games at Viola, Girsh, or UCSB.
We have space for new players in Schoolyard, U6, U8, U10. Any players unable to be placed on a team have been notified.
See you all soon!
- Your AYSO Board